How to add more food to the diet correctly
Thank you for your amazing information. My dog has transitioned well to the diet and most of her yeast problems have cleared up. She is 25 kg and I feed her 500g a day, meat/bone/organ + veg (80:20 ratio). She has recently started to make the most strange stomach churning noises on a morning and I can only presume she needs more food. I was feeding her 600g but she became too stocky. If I was to add extra meat say in her evening meal to get her through the night. Should I also add more veg? I am sure a good quality grain would help but I can't feed that due to her yeast problems. May I also ask about her nose. When I first started her on the diet she got a really healthy wet nose, but now it is often more dry, do you know if this is a lack of anything in the diet please?
Many thanks for your help.
Kind regards
Re: How to add more food to the diet correctly
Re: How to add more food to the diet correctly
Re: How to add more food to the diet correctly
Re: How to add more food to the diet correctly