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sparker919 by sparker919 • | | 0 answers | be the first to answer
We recently started our very uninterested in kibble-10 week old Boxer on a "raw" diet. I use this term loosely as I dont believe it is exactly a BARF diet. Right now he is eating 3 times a day- 4 ounces of Ground Beef mixed with 2 ounces of a veg mix consisting of carrots, squash, more
Laura by Laura • | | 0 answers | be the first to answer
Have any of you ground up lamb ribs with meat in a grinder? I have the LEM grinder which easily grinds whole chickens (I cut them into pieces that will fit in the grinder). So it even grinds the drumsticks, but up to now I have been hesitant to put rib bones in there as it was sort of more
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