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Tarkand by Tarkand • | | 1 comment
I have 3 dogs who have been on raw food for going on 10 years. They are extremely healthy and going on very strong, even my old girl who's now 16 years old and half blind. I get my chicken carcass from my local butcher, I supplement it with veggies and a fish meal from time to time. I feel more
Barbara Lubliner by Barbara Lubliner • | | 1 comment
Image a 37 lb skye terrier. He just became a champion. He ilacks 5 points to becoming a grand champion. He is a erratic eater and always needs weight. 37 lbs is a good weight for him but sometimes he eats well and then quits and loses his weight and becomes much to thin. His erratic eating more
Pam by Pam • | | 1 comment
My husband and I are getting our new puppy next week and we want to feed raw. I am wondering what is the best way to start and what to start with? Chicken or something else? Also I am wondering how much veggies? Should I start with veggies and meat both or one at a time? Can someone give more


Aashrutha Navinash by Aashrutha Navinash • | | 1 comment
Hi I have a labrador puppy he is 64 days old. I am feeding him with royal canin labrador the problem is he is not eating well. I am not feedin him with non veg, can I give chicken n give some tips to increase his weight please
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