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Aubriann_Scowden by Aubriann_Scowden • | | 1 comment
I have an 8 month old husky, she is 50 pounds and pretty active. I have calculated how much to feed her daily but I am still stuck on a few questions. So lets say I give her a chicken thigh for edible bone, will the meat on the bone count towards her daily intake of muscle meat?
4thK by 4thK • | | 1 comment
My 1 year and 3 month old Pomeranian loves his chicken wing tip dinner (have to coax him to eat morning veggies by adding little bit of PB) but he refuses any type of offal. If he doesn't get any offal what does that do to him? Also, he seems to want something salty....should he get some salt, more
Sarahbellum by Sarahbellum • | | 3 comments
I know i am probably making this harder than I need to! I have been buying chicken backs as well as skinless boneless thighs. I grind my meat to keep my dogs from gulping the whole back down and choking. Amazing, but they eat slower with it ground up. I have 4 boxers. I feel like I am more
kboser01 by kboser01 • | | 1 comment
We have 2 Irish Wolfhounds who aren't directly related. They are 2 days apart and are 9 and 11 days before their first birthday. I did not expect her to be in heat at such a young age, but here we are. I know she could be pregnant and want to know if I need to change her diet. Their " more
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